Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tagged by Baby DEE ;D

1. Who & what is your relationship with the last person who tagged you?
My baby girl ;D hahahah, she's my little sister ;DD

2. Do you know what is true love?

3. Who do you recently hang out with in MSN?
Hrm..peiwen, caridee, yvonne, ed lynn, jason, amanda and xinyi.

4. What is your relationship with her?
Dee? I love her ;D

5. Who is your beloved pet sis?
Peiwen, yvonne, kit yee, caridee, xinyi, jin yih, josephine. . . . .

6. Who are you still in love with?
No one? x/

7. Why do you create a blog?
For fun?

8. You know your blog sucks?
I know earlier than you. so shut the fuck up.

9. What do you like to eat?Everything that's delicate ?
FOOD? hahaha, but im love mcflurry like hack.

10. Who are you having relationships now?
No one?

11. ARRRGGHH I got nothing else to ask d.. lol . does that count ?
LOLLL, what a question.

12. The lucky 10 tags goes to ;
1. Peiwen
2. Yvonne
3. Ed lynn
4. Xinyi
5. Amanda
6. Jason Chai
7. Victoria & aik jean
8. Alicia
9. Aileen.
10. Joee?

13. Who is number 1?
Peiwen the sohai xP

14. What about number 3?
Ed lynn the burger, LOL.

15. Does number 5 love number 1?
HAHAHAHAH, they will IF they know each other.

16. Who's number 4 ?
Hoo Xinyi ;)

17. Do you have any relationship with number 5?
She's my babe. hahah, muawhhhs.

Im gonna change my blogskin again for some reason ;D
A bitch at my school is irritating me -.- I hate her, bitch!
Fall for you,


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